Metro Roots and Routes

Public Transit System
Project Overview
The proposed metro project aims to link the cities of Acuña, Mexico and Del Rio, Texas, providing a modern, affordable, and secure mode of transportation for residents, visitors, and immigrants. The station's innovative design and use of technology will enable passengers to travel swiftly, comfortably, and safely while reducing the carbon footprint of transportation, hence promoting sustainability. We met all the needs of the survey we gathered from the communities, with over 100 contributors, through our station locations. Our project focuses not only on building physical infrastructure but also on creating a welcoming and accessible environment for all, promoting cultural exchange and economic development. We engaged the community in decision-making, encouraged creativity and innovation, provided well-crafted communication, and offered opportunities for public involvement.
I worked alongside my partners Sabra Sadeghi and Selina Jeffers for this semester-long project. Selina and I were able to participate in the Del Rio Spring Break trip. We were able to engage with the communities and view our site in person. The information we gathered during this trip was invaluable and added to our project's success. The relationships formed during this trip also helped us connect with the community directly post-visit. We were able to meet with consulates, city developers, artists, and many other individuals. 

The station is made of 3 floors; 
⁃ Ground floor is the entrance and houses programs such as TSA, security offices, Cafes, grocery stores, and benches 
⁃ The basement includes more commercial spaces such as boutiques, restaurants, bank, and technology shops
⁃ The second floor houses the trains and more benches to accommodate waiting passengers 
Along with vegetation, community-painted tiles are also used within the station to create a sense of inclusivity and further emphasize creating a community-driven structure. The station's design is organic in nature; this allows the station to blend into the landscapes of Acuña and Del Rio seamlessly.